Niccole A. Nelson

Assistant Professor
Applied Social and Health PsychologyNiccole A. faculty image
Office: 216 BHSCI
Phone: (970) 491-3519
Email: Niccole.Nelson@colostate.edu

Education: B.A. from Illinois Wesleyan University
M.A. from University of Notre Dame
Ph.D. from University of Notre Dame
Area of Specialization: Successful Aging

Teaching Courses: Research Design and Analysis | (PSY 250) | Research Design and Analysis II (PSY 350)
Office Hours:
Monday- | Tuesday- | Wednesday- | Thursday- | Friday- | By Appointment- X

Current Research: I am a lifespan developmental psychologist by training, and aim to identify biological, psychological, and social resources that help individuals thrive through older adulthood. The central goal of my research program is characterizing the ways in which modifiable, real-time experiences like stress and emotion regulation relate to long-term, developmental trajectories of cognitive ability, psychological well-being, and physical functioning.